Chronological Listing of Bulletins


259Notice of Nomination for At-Large Representatives for 2025


258Notice of TAIPA Rate Change Effective October 1, 2024
257Notice of the Thirtieth Annual Association Membership Meeting
256Notice of Nomination for At-Large Representative for 2024
255TAIPA Plan of Operations Section 50 Change in Pass Through Fee
254Amendment to TAIPA Plan of Operation
253Notice of TAIPA Rate Change Effective June 1, 2023
Addendum 251 & 252Addendum to Bulletin 251 & Bulletin 252
252Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting March 24, 2023


251Notice of Nominations for 2023 At Large Representation
Addendum 250Addendum to Bulletin 250
250Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
249Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting


248Notice of Election of “At Large” Members of the Governing Committee
247Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
246Notice of TAIPA Rate Changes Effective March 1, 2021
245Notice of The Twenty-Seventh Annual Membership Meeting


244Notice of Election of “At Large” Members of the Governing Committee
243Notice of All Future TAIPA Bulletins Sent via Email
242Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
241Notice of 2020 COVID-19 TAIPA Relief Program for TAIPA Private Passenger Auto Policies In Effect April and May 2020
240Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting March 27, 2020


239Amendment to TAIPA Personal Auto Policy–Effective January 1, 2020
238Notice of Nominations for 2020 At Large Representation
237Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
236Notice of TAIPA Amendment to TAIPA Plan Of Operation
235Effective March 1, 2020—Notice of TAIPA Rate Changes
234Effective September 1, 2019—Name Change from Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority to the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority and Change in Pass through Fee
233Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting March 22, 2019


232Notice of Nominations for 2019 At-Large Representation
231Notice of Amendments to TAIPA Plan of Operation Sections 6 & 14
230New TAIPA Rates Effective March 1, 2019
229Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
228Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting March 23, 2018


227Notice of Nominations for At-Large Representation
226TAIPA Rate Changes Effective March 1, 2018
225Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
224Effective April 11, 2017—Upgrading Commercial Applications to EASi 2.0
223Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting March 27, 2017


222Notice of Nominations for At-Large Representation
221Notice of Amendments to TAIPA Plan of Operation Sections 9, 14, 25, 35, & 47
220TAIPA Rate Changes Effective February 1, 2017
219Notice of Nominations and Ballot for Non-Affiliated Representatives
218Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
217Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting April 1, 2016


216Notice of Nominations for At-Large Representation
215Notice of Nominations and Ballot for Non-Affiliated Representatives
214TAIPA Rate Changes Effective February 1, 2016
213Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
212Notice of Amendments to TAIPA Plan of Operation Introduction and Sections 6, 7, 15, 22, 23, and 33
211Effective August 1, 2015—EASi Mandatory for All Applications
210Effective May 19, 2015—New Website for Private Passenger Applications
209Notice of Amendments to TAIPA Plan of Operation Sections 15, 33, & 50
208Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting March 27, 2015


207Notice of Nominations for At-Large Representation
206Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
205Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting March 21, 2014


204Notice of Nominations for At-Large Representation
203Revised TAIPA Personal Auto Policy Effective January 1, 2014
202Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nomination
201Amendments to TAIPA Plan of Operation Section 14
200TAIPA Rate Changes Effective October 1, 2013
199Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting March 22, 2013


198Notice of Nominations for At-Large Representation
197Notice of Nominations and Ballot for Non-Affiliated Representatives
196Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nominations
195TAIPA Rate Changes Effective July 1, 2012
194New Producer Performance Standard
193Notice of TAIPA Annual Membership Meeting March 23, 2012


192Notice of Nominations for At-Large Representation
191Notice of Nominations and Ballot for Non-Affiliated Representatives
190Notice of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative Nominations
189Amendment to TAIPA Plan of Operations
188TAIPA Plan of Operations Sections 5.B.2 and 5.B.3, Section 14.A.2, Section 21.B.2 and B.3, and Section 32.A.2
187Amendment to TAIPA Rules and Rating Manual Rule 45, Named Non-Owner Coverage
186Seventeenth Annual Membership Meeting
185Amended TAIPA Rules and Rating Manual


184TAIPA Election of “At Large” Members
183Rate Changes Effective January 1st, 2011
182Minimum Limits Increase and Rate Filing Results
181Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
180Nominations for the Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
179States of Licensing
178Financial Responsibility Minimum Limits Increase
177Plan of Operations Amendments


176Notice of the Sixteenth Annual Membership Meeting
175TAIPA Election of “At Large” Members of the Governing Committee
174TAIPA Nomination for the Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
173LAD/CLAD Updates Effective 01/01/2010
172Notice of TAIPA Rules and Rating Manual and TAIPA Checking Slip
171TAIPA Rate Change Effective November 1, 2009
170Amended TAIPA Application Forms
169Plan of Operations Amendments
168Notice of ESP Elimination
167Primary Commercial Rating Factor Corrections and Checking Slip
166Notice of the Members Annual Membership Meeting


165Non Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
164Election of At-Large Members of the Governing Committee
163Photographic Traffic Signal Enforcement System
162Amended TAIPA Rules and Rating Manual / Endorsements
161Personal Lines Property and Casualty License
160TAIPA Rate and Rule Changes Effective April 1, 2008
159TAIPA Rules and Rating Manual Rate and Rule Changes
158Notice of the Members Annual Membership Meeting


157TAIPA Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
156TAIPA Election of “At Large” Members of the Governing Committee
155Amended TAIPA Rules and Rating Manual/Endorsements
154Amended Producer Cert. Program, Rules of Operation Effective Sept. 1, 2007
153Financial Responsibility Minimum Limits Increase
152Application Amendments (effective June 1, 2007)
149Rule Amendments (effective June 1, 2007)
148Rule Amendments (effective June 1, 2007)
147TAIPA Rate Changes (effective June 1, 2007)
146Notice of the Thirteenth Annual Membership Meeting


145Election of Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
144Election of “At Large” Members of the Governing Committee


143Notice of Twelfth Annual Membership Meeting
142Nomination for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
141Personal Auto Policy effective March 1, 2006
140TAIPA Eligibility-Commercial Vehicles
139Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
138Election of “At Large” Members of the Governing Committee
137TAIPA Electronic Notifications
136TAIPA Commercial Assignments
135TAIPA Changes Effective September 1, 2005
134TAIPA Private Passenger Rate Change
133Notice of Eleventh Annual Membership Meeting
132Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
131Plan of Operation Determination and Fulfillment of Other Than Private Passenger Quotas Section 42.A
130States of Licensing


129Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
128Revised and Restated Plan of Operation
TAIPA Rules and Rating Manual
127EASi Binder Effective Date and Time
1262004 TAIPA Company Seminar Registration Form
125Plan of Operation Amendment Section 14.F.6
124Notice of Tenth Annual Meeting


123Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
122Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
121TAIPA Rate Change (effective 2/1/2004)
120Texas Policy Forms
119Other Than Private Passenger Quotas
118Texas Limited Assignment Distribution Program
117Introduction of the Electronic Application Submission Interface (EASi)
116Plan of Operation Amendment Section 13.C.7
115Plan of Operation Amendment Section 6.A
114Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002
113Notice of Ninth Annual Meeting
112Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
111Determination and Fulfillment of Quotas Section 16.B Other Than Private Passenger
110States of Licensing


109Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
108Plan of Operation Amendments Sections 11, 12, and 14
107Plan of Operation Amendments Sections 6 and 16
106Notice of Eighth Annual Meeting


105Determination and Fulfillment of Quotas Section 16.B Other Than Private Passenger


104Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
103TAIPA Rate Changes effective December 31, 2001
102Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
101Important Contact Information
100Important Rate Bulletin
99Plan of Operation Amendments Sections 13 & 15
98Notice of Seventh Annual Meeting
97Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
95States of Licensing
94Determination and Fulfillment of Quotas Section 16.B Other Than Private Passenger


96Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
93APersonal Injury Protection Rating
93Personal Injury Protection Rating
92TAIPA Rate Changes effective December 1, 2000
 Part 1 (Cover letter)
 Part 2 (Private Passenger Rate Bulletin)
 Part 3 (Private Passenger Machine Letter)
 Part 4 (Commercial Rate Bulletin)
 Part 5 (Commercial Rate Bulletin: Revisions to Commissioners Bulletin B-0046-00)
 Part 6 (Commercial Machine Letter)
91TAIPA Rates
90Plan of Operation Amendment Section 15
89Notice of Sixth Annual Meeting
88Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association (TAIPA) Nominations For Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative


87Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
86Plan of Operation Amendments Sections 5.C & 13.B.
85States of Licensing
84Determination and Fulfillment of Quotas Section 16.B Other Than Private Passenger
83Plan of Operation Amendments Sections 16.A & 16.B
82Notice of Fifth Annual Meeting
81March 1, 1999 Rate Changes
80Non-Affiliated Members of the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association
79Plan of Operation Determination and Fulfillment of Quotas Section 16.B Other Than Private Passenger
78States of Licensing
77Commercial Payment Plan
76Data Corrections


75Commissioner’s Bulletin B-0075-98 Regarding Tort Reform Rate Reduction Factors
74Plan of Operation Amendments Sections 6.E & 16.B
73TAIPA Installment Plan For Commercial Automobiles
72Plan of Operation Amendments Sections 5.C, 6.A.7 & 13.B.1.a
71States of Licensing
70Plan of Operation Determination and Fulfillment of Quotas Section 16.B Other Than Private Passenger
69Revised Private Passenger Rates and Effective Date
 Part 1 (Cover letter)
 Part 2 (Commissioner’s Order 98-0101)
68Notice of Fourth Annual Meeting March 12, 1998
67Nominations for Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
66March 1, 1998 Rate Changes
 Part 1 (Cover letter)
 Part 2 (Commissioner’s Order 97-1272)
 Part 3 (Commissioner’s Order 97-1272 Appendices A and B)
 Part 4 (Private Passenger Machine Letter)
 Part 5 (Commercial Auto rate bulletin)
 Part 6 (January 20, 1998 Commercial Auto benchmark rates)


 TAIPA Private Passenger Rates 3/1/98
 Part 1 (Cover letter and machine letter)
 Part 2 (Private Passenger rate bulletin)
 Part 3 (Commercial Auto rate bulletin)
65Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association Nominations For Non-Affiliated Governing Committee Representative
64Rule Change
63Revised Commercial Rates
62Manual Rule 41 Amendment
61Mandatory Take-Outs
60Voluntary Take-Outs
59Plan of Operation Amendments Sections 13.B.7, 13.C & 16.D.
581997 TAIPA Company Seminar Registration Form
57States of Licensing
541997 TAIPA Company Seminar
53Plan of Operation Determination and Fulfillment of Quotas Section 16.B Other Than Private Passenger
52TAIPA Quotas
51Reassignments and Plan Of Operation Amendments Section 12.A.


50OTPP – AIP Fulfillment Data
49APlan of Operation Section 6.A.5
49Plan of Operation Section 6.A.5
48Plan of Operation Amendments
47Non-Affiliated Members of the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association
46Notice of Third Annual Meeting
45Rate Adjustment Retroactive to August 1, 1996
 Part 1 (Cover letter and Commissioner’s Bulletin)
 Part 2 (Machine Letter revised pages)
 Part 3 (Rate Bulletin revised pages)
44Important Notice Regarding TAIPA Application Forms
43Plan of Operation Amendments
42Insurer Responsibilities and Compensation Distribution; Uncertified, Suspended or Revoked Producers
41Unearned Commission Complaints
40Non-Compliance “Performance Standard” Company Complaints Changes
39Take-Out Plans
38AAdditions & Revision to Bulletin 38
38August 1, 1996 Rates
37Offers to Renew
36Insurer Complaint Procedure
35Rule Changes Effective 2/16/96
34City of Houston Insurance Filings
33Non-Affiliated Members of the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association
32Notice of Second Annual Meeting


31Underserved Market Credits and Quota Calculation Effective 1/1/96
30Call for 1994 Premium Writings on Policies Covering Motor Vehicles Insured in Accordance with the Requirements of Articles 911a (Section 11) and 911b (Section 13) of Texas Revised Civil Statues
29Section 5. Premium Deposit Requirements and Payment Options
28Take-Out Plans
27Take-Out Plans
26Take-Out Plans
25Acceptable Applications Effective July 17, 1995
24Arizona Premium Finance Company, Inc.
23Arizona Premium Finance Company, Inc.
22Electronic Submission Procedure (ESP)
21Machine letter for Private Passenger rates effective June 1, 1995
20Uncertified, Suspended or Revoked producers—Insurer responsibilities and compensation distribution
19June 1, 1995 Rates
18A-Affordable Insurance Agency, Dallas
17Glen M. Barling D/B/A Barling & Associates, and D/B/A A-Family Insurance Agency
16Policy Change Form
15Glen M. Barling D/B/A Barling & Associates, and D/B/A A-Family Insurance Agency
14Ricardo Alexses Navapulido D/B/A Corporate Insurance Services D/B/A AIM Insurance Agency
13Follow-up to TAIPA Bulletin No. 7
12Overview of the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association’s (TAIPA) Producer Certification Program (PCP) and Electronic Submission Procedure (ESP)
11TAIPA Company Seminar – March 15, 1995
10Form E-1 Requirements….AS OF 12-1-2004, NO LONGER ELIGIBLE
9Glen M. Barling D/B/A Barling & Associates, and D/B/A A-Family Insurance Agency
8A-Affordable Insurance Agency, Dallas
7Introduction of the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association’s Producer Certification Program (PCP) and Electronic Submission Procedure (ESP)
6Notice of Annual Meeting
5Underserved Zip Codes Credits Effective in 1996
4Non-Affiliated Members of the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan Association
3Non-Compliance Performance Standard Company Complaints


2Quota Calculation Changes
1Formation of TAIPA and Plan of Operation Changes