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Producer Certification FAQ’s

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  1. How does a producer become certified with TAIPA?
  2. Who is eligible for certification with TAIPA?
  3. Is there a fee for certification?
  4. What revisions of the application form are acceptable?
  5. Since I’m licensed with the Texas Department of Insurance, am I automatically certified to submit business through TAIPA?
  6. What if I don’t want to become certified? Can I still send TAIPA applications?
  7. How do I know what type of license I hold or if my license is current?
  8. Can a solicitor obtain certification with TAIPA?
  9. Can a solicitor submit applications for assignment on behalf of the principal producer?
  10. What if I don’t have an active company appointment?
  11. What if I want to place all my business through TAIPA instead of my standard carrier?
  12. May a certified producer issue ID cards?
  13. What is TAIPA’s electronic binding procedure?

What are TAIPA’s rules and regulations regarding the Producer Certification Program
and the Electronic Application Submission interface?

  1. When was TAIPA’s Producer Certification Program implemented?
  2. What sort of education and training resources does TAIPA have available for certified producers and their staff?
  3. What if I have further questions regarding TAIPA’s Producer Certification Program?

Questions & Answers

How does a producer become certified with TAIPA?

In order to become certified with TAIPA, producers must complete TAIPA’s Application for Certification and return it to the TAIPA office, with a copy of the current producer’s license from the Texas Department of Insurance. Back to index

Who is eligible for certification with TAIPA?

Any producer licensed to sell automobile liability coverage in Texas is eligible for certification with the Association; refer to TAIPA Bulletin 12. Back to index

Is there a fee for certification?

No, there are no fees charged for certification. Producers must have access to the TAIPA Rules and Rating Manual available on our website, as part of the certification agreement. Back to index

What revisions of the application form are acceptable?

Private passenger applications must be submitted on the 01/2011 revision of the application.
Public and commercial applications must be submitted on the 01/2011 revision of
the application. Back to index

Since I’m licensed with the Texas Department of Insurance, am I automatically certified to submit business through TAIPA?

No, TAIPA is an administrative service office; we are not an insurance company. The certification process is different from the state licensing and company appointment process. Back to index

What if I don’t want to become certified? Can I still send TAIPA applications?Any producer licensed in the state of Texas may submit applications to TAIPA, regardless of TAIPA certification status; however, the assigned carrier will require that the producer of record named on the policy be certified with TAIPA. The advantages to becoming a TAIPA-certified producer are:

  • Only certified producers may use the Electronic Application
    Submission interface (EASi) to bind coverage.

    • Only certified producers receive commission on applications written through TAIPA.

    • Only certified producers may service the policy once issued by a carrier.

There’s really no reason not to get certified by TAIPA; it’s a simple process.

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How do I know what type of license I hold or if my license is current?

For licensing information, please contact the Texas Department of Insurance licensing division at (512) 322-3503(512) 322-3503. Back to index

Can a solicitor obtain certification with TAIPA?

Solicitors are ineligible for certification with TAIPA. The producer for which a solicitor acquires business may be eligible for certification. Back to index

Can a solicitor submit applications for assignment on behalf of the principal producer?

If the principal producer is certified with TAIPA, then the solicitor may service assignments through TAIPA on behalf of the certified producer.  Back to index

What if I don’t have an active company appointment?

As TAIPA is an avenue of last resort, producers must hold an active company appointment in order to obtain certification with TAIPA. Back to index

What if I want to place all my business through TAIPA instead of my standard carrier?

TAIPA is an avenue of last resort; insureds are required to be rejected by at least two primary carriers before considering TAIPA. Back to index

May a certified producer issue ID cards?

Producers do not have binding authority on TAIPA business. ID Cards may not be issued on TAIPA business without express authorization from the assigned carrier. TAIPA is not an insurance company. If an insured requires proof of insurance, the coverage may be bound through TAIPA’s Electronic Application Submission interface (EASi). Back to index

What is TAIPA’s electronic binding procedure?Using the Electronic Application Submission interface (EASi), certified producers may bind coverage through TAIPA. Access to the EASi binding is located on our website at www.taipa.org.This procedure is discussed in more detail in Bulletin 12.  For additional questions regarding the EASi system, please contact the Association office at (512) 444-4441(512) 444-4441or toll free (866)321-9154(866)321-9154. Back to index

What are TAIPA’s rules and regulations regarding the Producer Certification Program and the Electronic Application Submission

Please refer to the Producer Certification Rules of Operation, for specific rules and regulations. Back to index

When was TAIPA’s Producer Certification Program implemented?

TAIPA’s PCP was implemented May 1, 1995; refer to TAIPA Bulletin 12 for more information. Back to index

What sort of education and training resources does TAIPA have available for certified producers and their staff?

TAIPA conducts periodic producer training seminars around the state. TAIPA also has a producer training video available. More information is available on the TAIPA > Get Educated! > Training page. Back to index

What if I have further questions regarding TAIPA’s Producer Certification Program?

TAIPA recommends that you first check to make sure your questions are not already answered elsewhere, especially in the TAIPA bulletins , or other areas of this site. If you cannot find an answer, or have additional questions or comments regarding TAIPA’s Producer Certification Program, you may contact TAIPA’s offices in Austin at (512) 444-4441(512) 444-4441 or toll free
(866) 321-9154(866) 321-9154. You can also email TAIPA’s Plan Services Department at,

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